AIR module
The AIR module tracks air sources, emissions and limits. Supports
permit application, tracking source inventory and what-if
scenarios. Emissions data can be entered directly, computed
from emission factors based on material (mixture) usage or
production, factored as a weight percentage of the chemical,
or imported from an external source. An AIR Module Setup Wizard allows
you to select only the features of the module that apply to your facility.
You can produce various emission reports: reports associating emissions data
with air pollutants, emission points, permit and pollutant
limits; reports for the Hazardous Air Pollutants, Toxic Release Inventory (Form R) or
any other agency chemical list of your choice.
- Generate periodic emission reports with limit exceedance notification.
- Create 365-day and 12-month Rolling Average Emssion Reports.
- Save reports as PDFs and send them via e-mail.
The AIR module also includes a Greenhouse Gas Reporting Wizard that steps you
through a process of determining if your facility is subject to reporting
either under Federal or state requirements. The applicable greehouse gas
lists are included in the regulated chemical database with global
warming potential values needed to complete the report. As always, MIRS will be
updated as new regulations come into effect.
The AIR module integrates with the SARA module for material and chemical
component information; with CLE for reporting by agency lists,
including HAPs; with PERMIT for permit tracking; and FORM R
for SARA 313 (Toxic Release Inventory) reporting.
CLE module
The CLE (Chemical List Extension) is required with the AIR module,
or as an add-on module to
The CLE greatly expands the standard SARA chemical database for identifying
and cross-checking multiple agency lists.
CLE provides an integrated 220,000+ chemical library to expedite
entry of chemical ingredients, and cross reference for more
than 100 agency lists, including US EPA SARA, CAA, CWA, TSCA, ODC,
Canadian NPRI, IDL, DSL, European REACH, many other national inventory lists,
and various state lists such as CA, MI, NC, NJ, NY, PA, WI.
CLE Monthly Updates:
You can enable automatic downloading of regulatory list updates at the beginning of each month to
keep up-to-date with the latest additions, changes, and deletions from the regulatory lists.
SARA module
This standalone module provides Tier reports, spill notification and SDS
chemical list compliance reporting.
- Generates Federal Tier II electronic submission for EPA Tier2 Submit.
- Includes the SARA Title III chemical database.
- Combines with the CLE (Chemical List Extension) for extensive agency cross reference.
Because the material tracking information is shared with other modules,
such as FORM R and AIR, data entry burden is reduced,
while the accuracy of material information is increased.
PERMIT module
This standalone module tracks the details of all permits,
including scope, status, monitoring and reporting specifications.
Tracks critical dates for follow-up and renewal. Produces
reports of upcoming events and automatically alerts the user
of permit renewal deadlines.