NPDES module
The NPDES manages outfalls, permit parameters, parameter limits
and test data for pretreatment, industrial water, wastewater
or stormwater permits.
- Define permit rules for quantity or concentration limits on any set of pollutants.
- Track analytical sample results for discharge to water calculation.
- Generate daily, monthly and annual discharge monitoring reports (DMR), trend analysis and many other reports.
- Produce an annual release to water summary report and data transfer for Form R/Toxic Release Inventory reporting.
PERMIT module
This standalone module tracks the details of all permits,
including scope, status, monitoring and reporting specifications.
- Tracks critical dates for follow-up and renewal.
- Produces reports of upcoming renewal dates and other events.
- Automatically alerts you of permit renewal deadlines.
TASK MASTER, an add-on to any standalone MIRS
module, provides calendaring function for environmental projects
and activities. TASK MASTER tracks deadlines and automatically
alerts the user of expirations at different levels of system
- Generate email notifications and automatic reminder messages of upcoming tasks and deadlines.
- Customized deadline reminder: you can set reminder frequency, priority, and message at different levels of system access.
- Maintains log history of tasks with who/what/when/why.
TASK MASTER produces a variety of reports useful for time-management
and tracking, including: reports of scheduled tasks, reports
of outstanding tasks, and reports reflecting all tasks for
specified users. Provides documentation important to ISO 14000
compliance pursuits.