SARA module
This standalone module
provides Title III, Section 302, 304, 311 & 312 compliance
with Tier reports, emergency release (spill) notification,
LEPC notification and SDS chemical list compliance reporting.
- Generates Federal or State Tier II electronic submission for upload to EPA Tier2 Submit.
- Includes the SARA Title III chemical database.
- Combines with the CLE (Chemical List Extension) for extensive agency cross reference.
An easy to use SARA Wizard steps you through data entry and reporting for compliance with State or Federal Tier II
If an accident involving a potentially hazardous substance occurs, use the Section 304 Emergency Release Notification Wizard
to determine if any reportable quantities were exceeded and, if necessary, to prepare a notification letter for local, state, and Federal agencies.
Because the material tracking information is shared with other modules,
such as FORM R and AIR, data entry burden is reduced,
while the accuracy of material information is increased.
LOCAL module
This add-on to the SARA module
provides State and Local Tier reporting addressing reporting
variations from the EPA.
Specific implementations are available as well as Generic, a
user-defined template for local reporting. Choice of specific
implementations include:
California, Delaware, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan CMR, Washtenaw County (Michigan),
Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Note: States that formerly required specific implementations
now require or can utilize standard Tier 2 Submit include
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Ohio, and Texas.
CLE module
The CLE (Chemical List Extension) is an add-on module to
The CLE greatly expands the SARA chemical database for identifying
and cross-checking multiple agency lists.
CLE provides an integrated 220,000+ chemical library to expedite
entry of chemical ingredients, and cross reference for more
than 100 agency lists, including US EPA SARA, CAA, CWA, TSCA, ODC,
Canadian NPRI, IDL, DSL, European REACH, many other national inventory lists,
and various state lists such as CA, MI, NC, NJ, NY, PA, WI.
CLE Monthly Updates:
You can enable automatic downloading of regulatory list updates at the beginning of each month to
keep up-to-date with the latest additions, changes, and deletions from the regulatory lists.
INVENTORY is an add-on module to SARA, FORM R, or SDS. INVENTORY
provides "real time" chemical inventory tracking by
location or by container throughout the year.
- Tracks transactions by location for physical inventory, purchase, usage and inventory transfers.
- Calculates annual amounts from the transactions and integrates with the SARA and FORM R modules for SARA Title III reporting.
- Provides year-to-date reports and projects reportable chemicals based on annualized amounts.